20 Retro Tech Icons

  • 20 Retro Tech Icons

Audio cassettes, film, floppy disks, and all manner of retro tech and gadgetry!

A fun and quirky set of “retro tech” icons. These showcase cassette tapes, an iconic walkman, old computer hardware, gaming tech, a pager, storage and diskettes, TVs, microphones, joysticks, and a classic 90’s mobile phone. Remember those?

Provided in various formats for you to drop into your own project, as well as in their original formats for you to change or customise. All icons come in both a line icon / black-and-white format, as well as in colour, for each of the below:

  • PNG: 128px, 256px, and 512px
  • SVG for each icon
  • PSD
  • PDF
  • Vector

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